?For Free? The Willoughbys Free

The Willoughbys ≡For Free≡



Creator - Kris Pearn
Star - Terry Crews
Average Ratings - 7,1 of 10
rating - 4666 votes
release Date - 2020

zdf programme heute


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You can tell someone really loved this movie: the stop animation style (though I"m inclined to believe its CG done in a stop-motion style) is stupendous, even if the styling of the people isn"t. I"m just saying there are a LOT of details and effort that went into making this movie.
I just wish it was put into a better movie. As weird and outlandish as this story is, the characters quickly lost any traction I had with them, and the parents are so ridiculously unbelievable that it took me out of the movie.
The plot itself actually makes some sense, I just don"t know why they chose to execute it the way they did. It just lost me repeatedly, so much so that I don"t remember the ending because it didn"t mean anything to me.
I"m not even going to say its a waste of time to watch this: go ahead and decide for yourself, but I just wasn"t on board for this one.

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Not very good. You don"t connect emotionally with the characters. Not very engaging. That leads you to not really caring what happens. Ricky Gervais hasn"t got the right tone to narrate, in fact it"s distracting. Didn"t enjoy it.
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